Wow, I am the worst blogger ever. If blogging was more like eating candy I would be a lot better at it, but in my world of comparisons blogging is more like bowel movements, once a month. Yikes! I didn't think I could be worse at this but instead of writing about my art I'm focusing on poop. Moving on...
I love my iPhone, but I hate the gel-like cover a friend gave me to protect it. So I decided to sew a cute, soft, won't get stuck in my hair iPhone case. I love the bird button (you might recognize it from one of my coffee sleeve notebooks). I promised my girl Nini I'd make her one...two weeks ago...believe me I started it...I already bought the felt, cut it out, pinned it together and picked out some buttons. It's basically finished. Just give me about two-three more weeks of procrastination.

This is a linoleum relief print I created to show as an example to my Intro. to Art students while they were working on a similar project. It's a maneki neko kitty. Maneki neko are good luck cats that many Japanese shop owners put in their stores to promote good business. I discovered them while on vacation in Hawaii in 2005 with my mom. So now they make me think of her and I love them. I recently got her a chubbier, cartoonish version of a maneki neko while in Miami.

I know I've shown the peacock print already, but I had to feature it again because I recently entered it in the Juried Student Art Show at Lindenwood University and I won 2nd place in the Graduate printmaking category. oooo OOOO! I'm very proud. Although I'm also an idiot because I forgot to go to the opening and I wasn't present to accept my award (certificate).

I also submitted this drawing in the art show. I took Figure Drawing last semester and this was my most successful drawing from the entire course.

This is one of my natural fiber sculptures. The god's eye knot at both ends wasn't meant to be a focal point, but it did quickly become one. I was more interested with the linear quality of the wrapped reed and the space between, under, around, and through the individual pieces of reed. I created a series of these sculptures, but in the end I think this was the most successful piece.

(I don't know why I just tried to make that sound so awesome, the only 3 readers of this blog are Lindenwood alumni and you know how amazing it is to attend LU. Impressive right?)