Wow, I am the worst blogger ever. If blogging was more like eating candy I would be a lot better at it, but in my world of comparisons blogging is more like bowel movements, once a month. Yikes! I didn't think I could be worse at this but instead of writing about my art I'm focusing on poop. Moving on...
I love my iPhone, but I hate the gel-like cover a friend gave me to protect it. So I decided to sew a cute, soft, won't get stuck in my hair iPhone case. I love the bird button (you might recognize it from one of my coffee sleeve notebooks). I promised my girl Nini I'd make her one...two weeks ago...believe me I started it...I already bought the felt, cut it out, pinned it together and picked out some buttons. It's basically finished. Just give me about two-three more weeks of procrastination.

This is a linoleum relief print I created to show as an example to my Intro. to Art students while they were working on a similar project. It's a maneki neko kitty. Maneki neko are good luck cats that many Japanese shop owners put in their stores to promote good business. I discovered them while on vacation in Hawaii in 2005 with my mom. So now they make me think of her and I love them. I recently got her a chubbier, cartoonish version of a maneki neko while in Miami.

I know I've shown the peacock print already, but I had to feature it again because I recently entered it in the Juried Student Art Show at Lindenwood University and I won 2nd place in the Graduate printmaking category. oooo OOOO! I'm very proud. Although I'm also an idiot because I forgot to go to the opening and I wasn't present to accept my award (certificate).
I also submitted this drawing in the art show. I took Figure Drawing last semester and this was my most successful drawing from the entire course.